The images depicted here are in order: 1) A reminder to vote. To register, click on our red "Register to Vote" button. 2) Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington County, Virginia, established during the Civil War on an estate belonging to Confederate Army General Robert E. Lee's wife. 3) The National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., dedicated May 29, 2004. 4) The National Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., dedicated July 27, 1995 on the 42nd anniversary of the armistice. 5) The National Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., dedicated November 13, 1982.




Welcome to the Volusia County Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida Website, or "Volusia Dem Vets" for short.  You do not need to be a Veteran to be a member!  You just need to be a Democrat that is passionate about advocating for Veterans and their families. 

A Few of Things We Do:

   Issue Advocacy and Lobbying – Provide strong support to Veterans issues faced by our community

   Candidate Endorsement – Support and guide candidates on community specific veterans issues 

   Public Awareness and Outreach – Educate the community on Veteran specific issues and look for ways to work with other community based organizations in providing direction to Veteran support and services

Please feel free to browse the different pages on this website and find out more about who we are, what we do, how we do it and why the representation of a Veteran agenda within the Democratic Party is important.  And while you’re at it, send us some items for our Veterans Gallery!

And please see our Events Calendar for the date, time and location of our next meeting.  We would sure like to see you there.

John Mazur
President, VCDVCF

Contact us at: