May 10, 2021 |
President Phil Giorno |
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Local Veteran’s Group to Deploy to Bay County May 13-15, 2021
With Help for Homeless Young People & Veterans
Daytona Beach, Florida: On May 13, 2021, the Volusia County Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida (VCDVCF) will begin their deployment to Bay County by loading a 22 foot Penske truck full of household items, furniture, and clothing for the residents of Bay County impacted by two hurricanes in the past three years and a recent tornado. In addition, the VCDVCF will deliver over 200 toiletry bags, socks and underwear as part of a special project to meet the needs of young people in Bay County displaced by the storms. This project was initiated by Danny Fuqua, Vice President of the Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida (DVCF) and former President of the Volusia DVCF, in coordination with Bay County DVCF President Reuben Sparks, the State DVCF and other county caucuses in Lake, Osceola, and Marion County.
In 2019, after the Palm Beach DVCF, under the direction of videographer and President, Carlton Cartwright, began documenting the plight of homeless Veterans in Bay County, the VCDVCF, Volusia County Democratic Executive Committee, Democratic Women’s Caucus of Florida and State DVCF completed four different deployments to Bay County throughout the fall delivering food, clothing and household goods to the people who had been devastated by Hurricane Michael in October of 2018.
This year the Volusia Veterans will be returning to the area to help the people of Bay County who have been hurt by yet another hurricane in September of last year, Hurricane Sally. Many people whose homes were damaged by the Cat-5 winds from Hurricane Michael and who are still battling the insurance companies for payment of their claims are now displaced again, but this time by the flooding from Hurricane Sally that hovered over the Panhandle of Florida dumping 2 feet of water in the area.
On learning that approximately 200 of the 1000 students at one of Bay County’s high schools might be displaced or homeless young people, the Volusia DVCF decided to fund a project to provide toiletry bags for the students. Many of the students have parents who have left the area or are unable to care for them for various reasons like drug abuse or imprisonment. The school provides special programs for them throughout the school year and even in the summer. But their needs are great.
Volusia DVCF, other County Veterans Caucuses of the State DVCF and local Democratic supporters responded with donations used to purchase necessities like shampoo, soap, personal hygiene items, deodorant, hand sanitizer and combs. Dentists in the area provided toothbrushes and toothpaste. Additional funds raised have allowed VCDVCF to purchase socks and underwear for the students.
Contact information for the Veteran Caucus in Volusia County: Danny Fuqua,, 386-566-8914, Sally Garcia,, 386-624-7076.