Calendar of Events

May 4, 2015

Early Cinco de Mayo Fiesta

Join us for some free tacos and to meet others who care about veterans in our community. We plan on having a guest speaker about veteran issues at 6pm. We will be meeting in the back room of the restaurant. Other food and beverage will be at your own cost.

Start: May 4, 2015 5:00 pm
End: May 4, 2015 5:00 pm
Venue: La Hacienda Mexican Grill
2260 S. Volusia Ave., Orange City, FL, 32763, United States

November 24, 2014

November Volusia County Democratic Executive Committee Meeting

Attend the monthly official meeting of the Democratic Party in Volusia County. The meeting is usually scheduled for the fourth Monday of every month. Chair Leslie Pearce presides. 

Easiest way to find the building is to take US 92 (International Speedway Blvd.) east of Clyde Morris Blvd. to White St. There is a light there. Take a left on White St. Take the first left possible onto the Daytona State College campus. Bldg 150 is the first building on your right at that time. 

Start: November 24, 2014 7:00 pm
End: November 24, 2014 7:00 pm
Venue: Room 101, UCF Bldg 150 on Daytona State College campus
1200 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL, 32114, United States

November 8, 2014

November Volusia County Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida Meeting

This organization’s mission is to encourage the participation of veterans at all levels of the political process, including supporting veterans who run for public office. All are welcome who support veteran issues, both veterans and non-veterans, but only registered Democrats may join the organization. Meetings are generally held on the second Saturday of the month. 

We have been chartered by the Florida Democratic Party to reach out to veterans and their supporters in Volusia County. Any Democrat registered in the county may join us to support veterans 


The location for this meeting has been changed to the Mockinhbird Room inside the main library huilding. Upon entering the library, go to the right into the Teen Zone and find the conference room.




Start: November 8, 2014 10:00 am
End: November 8, 2014 10:00 am
Venue: Deltona Regional Library
2150 Eustace Ave., Deltona, FL, 32725, United States
Cost: Free

November 4, 2014


General Election Day at your local polling location. 

To find Democratic Party recommendations, go to

Go to for additional information and click here for poll locations.


Start: November 4, 2014 7:00 am
End: November 4, 2014 7:00 am

October 27, 2014

October Volusia County Democratic Executive Committee Meeting

Attend the monthly official meeting of the Democratic Party in Volusia County. The meeting is usually scheduled for the fourth Monday of every month. Chair Leslie Pearce presides. 

Easiest way to find the building is to take US 92 (International Speedway Blvd.) east of Clyde Morris Blvd. to White St. There is a light there. Take a left on White St. Take the first left possible onto the Daytona State College campus. Bldg 150 is the first building on your right at that time. 

Start: October 27, 2014 7:00 pm
End: October 27, 2014 7:00 pm
Venue: Room 101, UCF Bldg 150 on the Daytona State College campus
1200 W International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL, 32114, United States

October 25, 2014 – October 25, 2014


Early Voting for the General Election is at five locations through the county from 7 AM to 7 PM on Saturday October 25th through Saturday November 1st. The sites are the DeLand Historic Courthouse, the Deltona Library, the Ormond Beach Library, the City Island Daytona Beach Library, and the New Smyrna Beach Library. 

Click Here for information on Democratic Party Candidate Recommendations.

Go to

for site addresses.

Start: October 25, 2014 7:00 am
End: October 25, 2014 7:00 am

October 11, 2014

CANCELED! October VCDVCF Meeting


This organization’s mission is to encourage the participation of veterans at all levels of the political process, including supporting veterans who run for public office. All are welcome who support veteran issues, both veterans and non-veterans, but only registered Democrats may join the organization. Meetings are generally held on the second Saturday of the month. 


We have been chartered by the Florida Democratic Party to reach out to veterans and their supporters in Volusia County. Any Democrat registered in the county may join us to support veterans issues. 

This meeting has been changed to a members-only conference call meeting. If you are a member, check your email for directions. 


Start: October 11, 2014 10:00 am
End: October 11, 2014 10:00 am
FL, United States
Cost: Free

September 22, 2014

September Volusia County Democratic Executive Committee Meeting

Attend the monthly official meeting of the Democratic Party in Volusia County. The meeting is usually scheduled for the fourth Monday of every month. Chair Leslie Pearce presides. 

Easiest way to find the building is to take US 92 (International Speedway Blvd.) east of Clyde Morris Blvd. to White St. There is a light there. Take a left on White St. Take the first left possible onto the Daytona State College campus. Bldg 150 is the first building on your right at that time. 

Start: September 22, 2014 7:00 pm
End: September 22, 2014 7:00 pm
Venue: Room 101, UCF Bldg 150 on Daytona State College campus
Phone: 386-624-6921
1200 W International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL, 32114, United States
Cost: Free

September 13, 2014

September Volusia County Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida Meeting

This organization’s mission is to encourage the participation of veterans at all levels of the political process, including supporting veterans who run for public office. All are welcome who support veteran issues, both veterans and non-veterans, but only registered Democrats may join the organization. Meetings are generally held on the second Saturday of the month. 

We have been chartered by the Florida Democratic Party to reach out to veterans and their supporters in Volusia County. Any Democrat registered in the county may join us to support veterans issues. 

This meeting room is now called the Magnolia Room, but is in the location of the old Lyonia Room. It is outside the library building, all the way around the left side of the building in the separate entrance for conference rooms.

Start: September 13, 2014 10:00 am
End: September 13, 2014 10:00 am
Venue: Magnolia Room, Deltona Regional Library
2150 Eustace Ave., Deltona, FL, 32725, United States
Cost: Free

August 9, 2014

2014 Democratic Unity Gathering at the Beach

  Contact Democratic Party Chair Leslie Pearce at 386-717-3111 for last minute ticket purchase. Visit

Start: August 9, 2014 5:00 pm
End: August 9, 2014 5:00 pm
Venue: Daytona Beach Hilton
100 N Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, FL, United States
Cost: $75 / $100 VIP